For sure you have been on many lessons that were teaching how to use the music in your dance. Quite often it is connected with implementing certain movements in certain time of the song.
We have a bit different approach. From the beginning on and when we have started to teach musicality, it was alwas connected with creativity and most importantly, focused on teaching musicality that you can use in your own dance style. We would like to give you tools to be able to express yourself, to be able to know what you can listen in the music and to explore how and why to be creative.
Because we want to build on your own dance and the main focus is music and creative skills, there is needed some knowledge of basic elements in zouk. But don’t be afraid, you will not need any fancy contrabalances and cambres, we want to show you what even simple basic step or viragina can offer and how rich the basics can be.
There is a saturday evening pracitse where I hope I can see all participants and try to see what you create on my music with new knowledge from the workshop day!
20:00 – 04:00 Party (Not included in the pass)
20:00 – 04:00 Party (Not included in the pass)
13:30 – Entry
14:00 – 17:15 Open Level Workshop
20:00 – 04:00 Party (Show your wristband at the door to get free entry)
13:30 – Entry
14:00 – 17:15 Open Level Workshop
20:00 – 04:00 Party (Show your wristband at the door to get free entry)
11:45 – Entry
12:15 – 15:30 Advanced Level Workshop
20.00-00.00 Zouk Party @Soda Club (Entrance: 8 € incl. 3 € drink coupon)
11:45 – Entry
12:15 – 15:30 Advanced Level Workshop
20.00-00.00 Zouk Party @Soda Club (Entrance: 8 € incl. 3 € drink coupon)
More information regarding the Friday and Saturday to follow! We’ll be collaborating with the Shine Bright Diamond, a kizomba & zouk mix event, happening the same weekend! https://fb.me/e/1mHHsLg0H
Workshops both days at: Mambita Etage, Kolonnenstraße 29, 10829 Berlin,
Careful: It’s Mambita Etage, not Mambita Mehringdamm
Don’t show up at the wrong place
Careful: It’s Mambita Etage, not Mambita Mehringdamm

Eingang Gewerbe über Privatstr.
3rd backyard/Hinterhof 2nd stairs/Aufgang 2nd floor/1. Stock auf deutsch
3rd backyard/Hinterhof 2nd stairs/Aufgang 2nd floor/1. Stock auf deutsch
Ring at the gate, it opens automatically. Afterwards you have 1 minute to get through the glass entrance door. If you missed the time slot just go back and ring again to open the door.
Please take off your street shoes before entering the studio and make sure your dance shoes don’t leave stripes on the floor.
Party at La Mambita, Mehringdamm 33
M33 Höfe, 10961 Berlin
!!!door code 1357!!!
2nd entrance, 3rd floor for Germans, 4th floor for the English, the door code opens all doors/gates
M33 Höfe, 10961 Berlin
!!!door code 1357!!!
2nd entrance, 3rd floor for Germans, 4th floor for the English, the door code opens all doors/gates
70€ both days
35€ either day + party
7€ just the party
35€ either day + party
7€ just the party
No need to sign up beforehand, registration and payment are at the door, just come a bit early
Payment via bank transfer is also possible. For more information and any questions you might have please reach out to kontakt@danca-alegria.de

Free for Dança Alegria Members
To know more about Dança Alegria and how to become a member visit:
If you are interested in couchsurfing please contact couchsurfing@danca-alegria.de
To know more about Dança Alegria and how to become a member visit:
If you are interested in couchsurfing please contact couchsurfing@danca-alegria.de
*******HYGIENE CONCEPT*******
TBD! As long as tests are free the event will most likely require daily tests. Don’t worry, there are test centers at every corner in Berlin.
If a participant appears to have symptoms they might be turned away at the door. Please do not come if you have symptoms.