Danca Alegria April Afternoon Zouk Party

Dear Zoukies, we look forward to having all of you for a nice cozy zouk afternoon at our beloved Mambita Etage dance school
Party at Mambita Etage, Kolonnenstraße 29, 10829 Berlin
Eingang Gewerbe über Privatstr.
3. backyard/Hinterhof 2. stairs/Aufgang 2nd floor/1. Stock
Ring at the gate, it opens automatically. Afterwards you have 1 minute to get through the glass entrance door. If you missed the time slot just go back and ring again to open the door.
Please take off your street shoes at the entrance. Please make sure your shoes don’t leave stripes on the floor!
7€ contribution for externals
Free for Dança Alegria Members
To know more about Dança Alegria and how to become a member visit:
If you are interested in couchsurfing please contact couchsurfing@danca-alegria.de
*****COVID RULES*****
Please bring either a test from an official testing station (https://www.direkttesten.berlin/) or do a self test at the door
Should we learn of a positive infection at this event we will post in this Facebook event here.
If a participant appears to have symptoms they might be turned away at the door. Please do not come if you have symptoms